“Early experiences affect lifelong health, not just learning; healthy brain development requires protection from toxic stress, not just enrichment. The time has come to leverage 21st century science to catalyze the design, testing and scaling of more powerful approaches for reducing lifelong disease by mitigating the effects of early adversity.”
~~Jack Shonkoff, M.D., Director,
The Center for the Developing Child, Harvard University
We fulfill our mission through creating groundbreaking, practical programs and partnerships that foster relational health—the ability to develop and sustain safe, stable and nurturing relationships with emotionally available, engaged and attuned adults. The adults provide children and adolescents with the positive experiences that buffer adversity and build the foundational social and emotional skills needed to be resilient in the face of adversity.
Our signature tool, Behavior Checker, is the first grassroots national nonprofit organization to fill the gap in universally connecting and “tethering” child-facing organizations, as well as the families they support, to over 150 evidence-based, standardized, front-line parenting prescriptions for the most common, predictable behavior challenges children experience as they grow, accessible 24/7/365 by everyone, anytime, everywhere.
The following programs and partnerships of our Foundation also promote relational health through positive childhood experiences, such as being in nurturing, supportive relationships; living, developing, playing, and learning in safe, stable, protective, and equitable environments; having opportunities for constructive social engagement and connectedness; and learning social and emotional competencies through responses to everyday, common childhood behaviors.

Behavior Checker is an online tool, accessed from the provider's clinic laptop, tablet or desktop, to instantly provide parents with evidence-based strategies to address over 150 common childhood behaviors. Through Behavior Checker, an innovative system of change happens in pediatric healthcare, as well as in mental health and early childhood education settings, in which the education, practice, implementation and delivery of evidence-based personalized practical healthy behavior problem solving is standardized and seamlessly integrated into the organization's routine, workflow and mission.

The first online course for healthcare practitioners nationally, “Parenting is Healthcare”, was launched in 2018, in partnership with Johnson County Community College the the Raised with Love and Limits Foundation.

Raised with Love and Limits Foundation is proud to join Jewish Family Services of Greater Kansas City and the Greater Kansas City Mental Health Coalition to create RaisingKC, the first and only public health campaign to lead a citywide conversation about healthy parenting, adult-child relationships and early childhood trauma prevention. Parents, extended family, teachers, coaches, neighbors…all are invited. A brighter tomorrow for our children starts now. Watch the video now...

Coaching - Advice - Resources - Education
Together, with AdventHealth Kansas City, we created a new standard of ongoing, whole-family care to ease your mind, body and spirit. We’ve named it AdventHealth ParentCare, and it's the first program of its kind in the United States. ParentCare is the place you can turn to with any question or concern about yourself or your children and get free, trusted, personal answers from experts who will listen.

The Baby Buffer® website was developed by the Kansas Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics for parents with babies and toddlers. We were honored to be on the development team, through a grant by the American Academy of Pediatrics. A “Baby Buffer” is a caring, responsive, consistent parent, who uses the latest information on how a baby’s brain works to give their baby the best possible start in life!
You can provide your baby’s birth date and your email address to receive weekly, age-specific emails with information about your baby’s development and how you can be a Baby Buffer®.

When parent educator and author Barbara Unell discovered her Uncle Dan's fifth grade report card from 1914, she found an amazing 2-sided treasure. Yes, this was not your ordinary school report card. The left side listed the subjects taught at school...reading, writing, arithmetic, and the like, on the School Report.
But... the right side...ah yes! The "right side" was of equal importance!! It was the Home Report of the subjects that were expected to be taught at home: truthfulness and honesty, morning chores, evening chores, care of clothing, care of teeth, evenings at home, sleeping with the windows open, and a dozen more! Her grandparents noted the progress of her uncle in learning these right-side habits, just as the teacher marked the left side.
As Barbara shared her Uncle Dan's unique report card, parents and teachers asked the same questions: "Where did this go? Can we bring this back?"
So, in 2005-06, with the assistance of former Kansas Governor and former Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius, a new version of Uncle Dan's Report Card was introduced in three Kansas school districts across the state. The Home Report was updated to add a few contemporary habits, such as "Manage Screen Time". After children focused on the habits at home for six weeks, the research documented that the report card was already helping to improve behaviors!
Our special thanks to Kansas PTA who helped us to spread Uncle Dan's Report Card throughout the state of Kansas, and today, the "new" Uncle Dan's Report Card is available to parents and teachers everywhere! These learning materials for home and school, developed for the Kansas pilot program, can be downloaded at no charge.